You are right, I was missing in action on this spot. But that doesn't mean I wasn't doing anything. Actually, I've been rather busy, just not with my photography. Which, I hope next year will change and instead of being cooped up at my other job, I hope to be doing christmas shoots. But this year, it is my other job, working at a boarding kennel and fmy non profit that kept me busy.
The boarding kennel is self explanatory, this time of year is busy, Thanksgiving, Christmas Year end. The rescue, not so much, since we fly dogs from Spain to the US, one would think it is more quiet, but not when you offer to fly within 72 hours from Harrisburg PA, to Philadelphia, to Madrid, from Madrid to Los Angeles to Baltimore, making sure 8 rescued Spanish galgos end up with your group in California. And then deciding that a transport needs to be arranged for at least 5 more to NYC the beginning of the year. But in between our new christmas tree arrived (fake, since I am allergic to whatever they treat the trees with here in the US) And before putting it in place, I just had to… Doc, a Spanish podenco who is our foster and still available for adoption through the rescue, was a willing model thanks to some yummy treats.
