It is dogspeak for: So glad to finally meet you!
My name is Petra Postma.
And there are three things I can't live without.
My rescue dogs, my camera
and my family.
So you photograph dogs?
Yes I do, dogs, dogs and the occasional cat and human.
And if you know me, it makes sense.
Dogs are a considerable part of my life, if not my whole life.
About 25 years ago, in the Netherlands, I started to volunteer in dog rescue.
Most specific, galgo Espanol, greyhounds and on occasion podencos. And telling a rescued dogs story in images is important to get the word about these animals out.
After getting a bit comfortable with my first point and shoot camera, it pretty fast became clear that I found something that would stay with me for the rest of my life.
And when gifted a DSRL camera, a new world opened up to me.
Combining photography with my love for dogs was only natural.
Ever since, I have been photographing rescues, taken my camera with me to Spain to the shelters and used my camera to tell the story of the galgos and podencos from Spain.
And up to today, I portray the dogs that come into our rescue for adoption.
A few years ago fellow photographer and galgo rescue person Travis Patenaude started pushing me to enter my photographs into competition and this forced me to start learning, to push myself and to acknowledge that I have something to offer
Soon I hope to earn my last points needed towards becoming a Accredited Professional of Animal Imagery.
In the mean time I would gladly help you create some great memories in the form of beautiful fine art portraits of your dog or dogs.
Later this year I hope to open my own space and start offering studio portraiture in addition to the outdoor portraits
I'm always looking to help you create new memories with your pet.
If you are in the South Central Pennsylvania region or are willing to travel or pay for mileage,
please let's connect and find out what I can do for you and your pet.