This weekend, after a few years of hard work, I reached one of my goals and became an Accredited Professional of Animal Imagery. From now on, I am allowed to put APAI behind my name. A few years ago I was encouraged to become a member of an on line community called, No Bones About It - a constructive critique photo forum exclusively for pet, animal, & bird photographers. This forum is for the professional animal photographer who wants to grow and learn. The beginning was hard, but soon I started learning to look at my own photographs and see the flaws, but also the good points. Part of the learning was entering my photographs in Print Competition which allowed me to gather points for my accreditation.
While competition was a few weeks ago, this weekend at the AIM conference (Animal Image Makers) awards were handed out and I received my accreditation (not physically yet, I could not make it to Minneapolis). Not only that, one of my photographs ended up taking
a top 10 place for Dogs in Studio and…
a Judges Choice.
I have a whole lot of people to thank for their encouragement to pursue this
and for believing that I could when I thought I could not. Next step will be hopefully Master, but that will be in a few years.